Shipping & Returns

When you place an online order you can choose either to receive your order at the address you choose or pick it up at your nearest store. As soon as your payment is confirmed in our paymanet platform, we will prepare and ship your order within 24/48 hours.

Once your order has been confirmed, it will not be possible to make changes or cancel it. If you wish to do so, you should follow the returns process after receiving your package.

Our packages

Deliveries are free for all purchases over 50€ (spanish territory) or for those that have chosen in store delivery. For rest of the orders a charge of will be applied, check below our list cost. Orders shall be delivered in a period depending on the country, check below the timing list

Country Transit time Shipping costs
España (included Islas Baleares y Canarias, Ceuta y Melilla) 3 days Orders under 50€: 6€.
Orders over 50€: FREE SHIPPING
Portugal 3 days Orders under 50€: 6€.
Orders over 50€: FREE SHIPPING
Andorra 3 days Orders under 50€: 6€.
Orders over 50€: FREE SHIPPING
Alemania 7-10 days 15€
Austria 7-10 days 15€
Bélgica 7-10 days 15€
Ciudad del Vaticano 7-10 days 15€
Dinamarca 7-10 days 15€
Francia 7-10 days 15€
Irlanda 7-10 days 15€
Italia 7-10 days 15€
Luxemburgo 7-10 days 15€
Mónaco 7-10 days 15€
Holanda 7-10 days 15€
Polonia 7-10 days 15€
Reino Unido 7-10 days 15€
Bulgaria 7-10 days 22€
Rep. Checa 7-10 days 22€
Croacia 7-10 days 22€
Eslovaquia 7-10 days 22€
Eslovenia 7-10 days 22€
Estonia 7-10 days 22€
Finlandia 7-10 days 22€
Grecia 7-10 days 22€
Hungría 7-10 days 22€
Letonia 7-10 days 22€
Lituania 7-10 days 22€
Noruega 7-10 days 22€
Rumania 7-10 days 22€
San Marino 7-10 days 22€
Suecia 7-10 days 22€
Suiza 7-10 days 22€
Bosnia & Herz. 10-12 days 22€
Liechtenstein 10-12 days 22€
Serbia 10-12 days 22€
Albania 10-12 days 30€
Bielorrusia 10-12 days 30€
Chipre 10-12 days 30€
Islandia 10-12 days 30€
Macedonia 10-12 days 30€
Malta 10-12 days 30€
Moldavia 10-12 days 30€
Montenegro 10-12 days 30€
Rusia 10-12 days 30€
Turquía 10-12 days 30€
Ucrania 10-12 days 30€
Islas Faroe 10-12 days 30€
Guernsey 10-12 days 22€
Isla de Man 10-12 days 22€
Jersey 10-12 days 22€
United States 7-10 days 30€
Afganistán 10-12 days 30€
Angola 10-12 days 30€
Anguilla 10-12 days 30€
Antigua & Barbuda 10-12 days 30€
Antillas Holandesas 10-12 days 30€
Arabia Saudi 10-12 days 30€
Argelia 10-12 days 30€
Argentina 10-12 days 30€
Armenia 10-12 days 30€
Aruba 10-12 days 30€
Australia 10-12 days 30€
Azerbaiján 10-12 days 30€
Bahamas 10-12 days 30€
Bahrein 10-12 days 30€
Bangladesh 10-12 days 30€
Barbados 10-12 days 30€
Belice 10-12 days 30€
Benin 10-12 days 30€
Bermudas 10-12 days 30€
Bhután 10-12 days 30€
Birmania (Myanmar) 10-12 days 30€
Bolivia 10-12 days 30€
Botswana 10-12 days 30€
Brasil 10-12 days 30€
Brunei 10-12 days 30€
Burkina Faso 10-12 days 30€
Burundi 10-12 days 30€
Cabo Verde 10-12 days 30€
Camboya 10-12 days 30€
Camerún 10-12 days 30€
Canadá 10-12 days 30€
Centroafrica Rep 10-12 days 30€
Chad 10-12 days 30€
Chile 10-12 days 30€
China 10-12 days 30€
Colombia 10-12 days 30€
Congo Rep. Democrática 10-12 days 30€
Congo Rep. Popular 10-12 days 30€
Corea del Norte 10-12 days 30€
Corea del Sur 10-12 days 30€
Costa de Marfil 10-12 days 30€
Costa Rica 10-12 days 30€
Djibouti 10-12 days 30€
Dominica 10-12 days 30€
Ecuador 10-12 days 30€
Egipto 10-12 days 30€
El Salvador 10-12 days 30€
Emiratos Arabes 10-12 days 30€
Eritrea 10-12 days 30€
Estados Fed. Micronesia 10-12 days 30€
Etiopia 10-12 days 30€
Filipinas 10-12 days 30€
Gabón 10-12 days 30€
Gambia 10-12 days 30€
Georgia 10-12 days 30€
Ghana 10-12 days 30€
Granada 10-12 days 30€
Groenlandia 10-12 days 30€
Guadalupe (Antillas F) 10-12 days 30€
Guam 10-12 days 30€
Guatemala 10-12 days 30€
Guayana 10-12 days 30€
Guayana Francesa 10-12 days 30€
Guinea Bissau 10-12 days 30€
Guinea Ecuatorial 10-12 days 30€
Guinea Republica 10-12 days 30€
Haití 10-12 days 30€
Honduras 10-12 days 30€
Hong Kong 10-12 days 30€
India 10-12 days 30€
Indonesia 10-12 days 30€
Irak 10-12 days 30€
Irán 10-12 days 30€
Isla Marshall 10-12 days 30€
Islas Caimán 10-12 days 30€
Islas Comores 10-12 days 30€
Islas Cook 10-12 days 30€
Islas Fiji 10-12 days 30€
Islas Reunión 10-12 days 30€
Islas Turks y Caicos 10-12 days 30€
Islas Vírgenes (UK) 10-12 days 30€
Islas Vírgenes (US) 10-12 days 30€
Israel 10-12 days 30€
Jamaica 10-12 days 30€
Japón 10-12 days 30€
Jordania 10-12 days 30€
Kazajstán 10-12 days 30€
Kenya 10-12 days 30€
Kirguizistán 10-12 days 30€
Kuwait 10-12 days 30€
Laos 10-12 days 30€
Lesotho 10-12 days 30€
Líbano 10-12 days 30€
Liberia 10-12 days 30€
Libia 10-12 days 30€
Macao 10-12 days 30€
Madagascar 10-12 days 30€
Malasia 10-12 days 30€
Malawi 10-12 days 30€
Maldivas 10-12 days 30€
Mali 10-12 days 30€
Marruecos 10-12 days 30€
Martinica (Antillas F) 10-12 days 30€
Mauricio 10-12 days 30€
Mauritania 10-12 days 30€
Mayotte 10-12 days 30€
México 10-12 days 30€
Mongolia 10-12 days 30€
Mozambique 10-12 days 30€
Namibia 10-12 days 30€
Nepal 10-12 days 30€
Nicaragua 10-12 days 30€
Níger 10-12 days 30€
Nigeria 10-12 days 30€
Nueva Caledonia 10-12 days 30€
Nueva Zelanda 10-12 days 30€
Omán 10-12 days 30€
Pakistán 10-12 days 30€
Palau 10-12 days 30€
Palestina 10-12 days 30€
Panamá 10-12 days 30€
Papua Nueva Guinea 10-12 days 30€
Paraguay 10-12 days 30€
Perú 10-12 days 30€
Polinesia Francesa 10-12 days 30€
Puerto Rico 10-12 days 30€
Qatar 10-12 days 30€
Rep. Dominicana 10-12 days 30€
Ruanda 10-12 days 30€
Samoa 10-12 days 30€
Samoa Americana 10-12 days 30€
San Kitts & Nevis 10-12 days 30€
San Vicente y Granadinos 10-12 days 30€
Santa Lucia 10-12 days 30€
Senegal 10-12 days 30€
Seychelles 10-12 days 30€
Singapur 10-12 days 30€
Siria 10-12 days 30€
Sri Lanka 10-12 days 30€
Sudáfrica 10-12 days 30€
Sudan 10-12 days 30€
Surinam 10-12 days 30€
Swaziland 10-12 days 30€
Tailandia 10-12 days 30€
Taiwán 10-12 days 30€
Tanzania 10-12 days 30€
Timor Oriental 10-12 days 30€
Togo 10-12 days 30€
Trinidad & Tobago 10-12 days 30€
Túnez 10-12 days 30€
Turkmenistán 10-12 days 30€
Uganda 10-12 days 30€
Uruguay 10-12 days 30€
Uzbekistán 10-12 days 30€
Vanuatu 10-12 days 30€
Venezuela 10-12 days 30€
Vietnam 10-12 days 30€
Wallis and Fotuna 10-12 days 30€
Yemen 10-12 days 30€
Zambia 10-12 days 30€
Zimbabwe 10-12 days 30€

Your package will be delivered Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays). You will receive a message on your email informing you once the package will be in transit.

We remind you that for sales outside the European Union, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla, customs duties may be payable from the import of products to the country or region of destination. These expenses must be borne by the consumer.

At Yomime we look after even the smallest detail, so that there is no difference between buying a product in our stores or online. All orders are sent wrapped in their original packaging which is characteristic of the brand.

If you have received an incorrect/defective item, we sincerely apologize. Please contact Customer Service straight away, and let us know the following details:

  • Your Order Number
  • Product Code/Product Name

If you want a refund or replacement:

Please note: it is important to save the boxes as well as their shipping labels and packaging. If a problem has occurred, you will also be asked to provide photographic evidence.

If the delivery note says an item should be in your parcel but it is not, please get in touch with Customer Service. Let us know the order number and the product code or product name of the item you wanted, and we will look into it.We will be able to send you the item we missed